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所 在 地: 中国 







Elastomers The elastomers business: Since JSR's success as being the first domestic producer of synthetic rubber in 1960, the company has continued to supply global-standard products, targeting the world market as an “integrated manufacturer of synthetic rubber.” General Purpose Synthetic Rubbers E-SBR (emulsion polymerization styrene-butadiene rubber) Typical type general purpose rubber with the properties of well-balanced tensile strength, tear strength, aging resistance and abrasion resistance, used for tires, belts, footwear and some other industrial rubber goods. S-SBR (solution polymerization styrene-butadiene rubber) A type of SBR with special type of molecular structure. With good processability and dynamic properties. Used for high-performance and fuel-efficient tires. HSR (high styrene rubber) Good roll banding properties and processability. It excels in abrasion resistance, tear resistance and flex resistance, used for hard rubber and rigid sponge. BR (polybutadiene rubber) With the properties of high abrasion resistance, good dynamic performance, low temperature performance and good processability. Used for tires, belts and many other rubber goods. Also good for use in golf balls because of good resilience. IR (isoprene rubber) Having similar molecular structure to natural rubber, the properties of good processability, easy vulcanization, high tensile strength and good resilience, which are notably not common in regular type rubbers. Special-Purpose Synthetic Rubbers NBR (nitrile rubber) With good oil resistance, high abrasion resistance and heat resistance. Used for automobile parts, such as fuel hoses, packings and oil seals, as well as, printing rolls, blankets etc. IIR (butyl rubber) Features good gas impermeability, thus, used mainly for tire tubes, tire inner liners. Also features good weatherability, ozone resistance and heat resistance. EPR (ethylene propylene rubber) With good heat aging resistance, weatherability, ozone resistance, used for cables and wires,heat resistance belts, car brake parts and other car parts such as radiator hoses, in addition to water proofing sheets and plastics modifiers. Polymer Blends (NV, NE) JSR NV Series are Polymer Alloys consisting of Acrylonitrile Rubber and Poly Vinyl Chloride.JSR NE Series are Polymer Alloys consisting of Nitrile Rubber and EPDM. JSR AT(syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene) Good compatibility with natural rubber. With the properties of high hardness, high flow and good processability. Used for tires. Based upon JSR's synthetic rubber manufacturing technologies, we have developed a range of products with specialized functions, such as styrene butadiene (SB) latex and acrylic emulsions. The main product in this domain which holds the highest share in the Japanese market is paper coating latex (PCL). Battery Materials Binders for Batteries By utilizing advanced polymer technologies, this is a water-based binder developed to enable the formation of negative electrodes in lithium-ion secondary batteries and nickel-hydrogen secondary batteries. Compared to conventional battery binders (PVDF), these binders have excellent binding properties, electrolyte resistance and cycle properties. High-Functional/Particles for Industrial Use Highly Cross-linked Particles With a very high degree of cross-linkage, these particles have heat resistance and hardness comparable to that of inorganic particles, in addition to an affinity to organic materials, which is a property unseen in inorganic particles. JSR manufactures particles with a diameter of less than one micrometer, in order to meet customer needs. Emulsions Paper Coating Latex (PCL) A carboxyl-modified SB latex that displays superior chemical and mechanical stability. With strong adhesiveness and superior printing adaptability, PCL is used in applications such as paper coating and saturated paper. Styrene Butadiene (SB) Latex With superior chemical and mechanical stability, SB latex is used in foam rubbers and carpet packing, and applications such as adhesion of industrial fibers and rubbers. Asphalt Pavement Modifier (ROADEX®) An SBR latex used to modify asphalt in road paving. Various properties of asphalt, such as abrasion resistance, fluidity resistance, and low-temperature characteristics are improved, leading to asphalt longevity. Acrylic Emulsions Displaying superior weather-resistance and heat-resistance (aging), acrylic emulsions also have high adhesiveness. It is used in exterior paints, floor polish and adhesives.热塑性弹性体 热塑性弹性体业务:热塑性弹性体作为填补合成橡胶和热塑性树脂之间功能空白的材料,已经受到关注。热塑性弹性体在高温下表现出流动性,可以很容易地模制和加工,就像热塑性树脂一样。室温下,热塑性弹性体表现出橡胶弹性。 热塑性弹性体 JSR·埃克塞尔林 我们开发了一种基于JSR三元乙丙橡胶和复合技术的新型烯烃三元乙丙橡胶(TPO)“JSR EXCElink”。它们不仅有利于回收利用和环境保护,而且有利于注塑成型、简化生产工艺和减轻重量。JSR EXCELINK是高功能的TPO,可替代传统的TPO和固化橡胶。 JSR RB(间同立构1,2-聚丁二烯) 我们已经发展成世界上唯一的供应商。应用非常广泛。例如,汽车减震材料、薄膜、管材、橡胶鞋底、一些注塑制品和塑料改性剂。 JSR丁苯热塑性弹性体 JSR TR是苯乙烯丁二烯热塑性弹性体。在室温下,产品具有与硫化橡胶相同的弹性。在高温下,JSR TR塑化,这使得它很容易成型。 JSR苯乙烯异戊二烯热塑性弹性体 主要用于热熔胶。 氢化聚合物 JSR·戴纳龙(氢化聚合物) JSR DYNARON是软化聚丙烯的优良改性剂。聚丙烯在透明度和灵活性方面有所提高。发光二极管相关材料 环境意识的提高导致了对高亮度发光二极管的强烈需求,这种高亮度发光二极管可以显著降低照明所需的功率。JSR正在开发制造高亮度发光二极管模块所需的功能材料。 光刻胶 剥离处理光刻胶LUMILON低压系列 该产品可提供理想的底切轮廓,适用于发光二极管元件制造等“剥离”光致抗蚀剂中电极/布线的发泡 JSR的事業內容 從輪胎材料到半導體製造材料、顯示器材料、 以及醫療領域使用的醫療用材料和環境與能源領域。 在大家日常生活的眾多場景裡, 皆可見到JSR的材料大展身手。 基礎事業 Core Businesses 電子材料 以石化類事業中培育的高分子技術為基礎,開發出光致抗蝕劑、疊層材料、CMP材料、封裝材料等高性能的半導體材料,以滿足多種市場需求。 顯示器材料 平板顯示器(FDP)是超薄電視機的關鍵部件。本公司堅持領先於不斷高端化的需求,提供最尖端的顯示器材料。 光學材料 開發了眾多具備光學功能的樹脂,如在國內擁有最大市場占有率的光纖塗覆材料、光造型樹脂等。 石化類產品 彈性體、乳膠、TPE、合成樹脂 JSR自誕生以來,作為合成橡膠的綜合性製造商,除了輪胎橡膠以外,還持續提供TPE、乳膠、合成樹脂等高質量產品。 戰略性事業 Strategic Businesses 精密材料與加工 結合利用高分子材料技術開發的創新型材料與精密加工技術,經營包括觸控式螢幕薄膜在內的功能性薄膜等最尖端的產品群。 功能化學品 運用JSR在高分子材料開發中培育起來的技術,開發了高功能分散劑、高功能溶膠凝膠劑、工業用粒子、電池材料等多種功能化學品。 醫療用材料 提供用於高靈敏度免疫診斷試劑材料以及蛋白質和核酸、細胞等分離與精製的生物研究磁性粒子等產品,貢獻於生命科學的發展。 環境與能源 透過高功能材料的應用,廣泛涉足鋰離子電池黏著劑、鋰離子電容器、生物樹脂材料、熱管理材料等環境與能源領域 JSR代理商,JSR一级代理商,JSR深圳代理商,JSR总代理商富利佳,JSR日本代理商,JSR香港代理商,JSR材料代理商,JSR总代理商携手JSR原厂在香港参展,展会上直接咨询JSR材料的厂商很多,有华为,中心,大疆无人机,创维,TCL,华星光电。客户通过展会了解材料的性能,质量,寿命,以及合作模式。当场签订的合同很多,感谢大力支持的客户们,太给力。
名称 时间 厂商 型号 起订量 单价
供应工业高精度智能压力控制器 04-23 天津市捷奥仪表有限公司 JA-YKX18 1台 ¥11
供应工业防爆高精度扩散硅耐腐蚀压力 04-23 天津市捷奥仪表有限公司 JA-YB201 1台 ¥360
供应电子热插式流量开关靶式流量开关 04-23 天津市捷奥仪表有限公司 JA-FRC 1台 ¥11
供应工业高精度小巧型扩散硅耐腐蚀压 04-23 天津市捷奥仪表有限公司 JA—YB202 1台 ¥11
供应各类涡街涡轮电磁流量计 04-23 天津市捷奥仪表有限公司 JA-LWGY 1台 ¥11
