厂商首页 > 产品库 > 传感器 > 费加罗代理商、FIGARO代理商,费加罗总代理、费加罗一级代理商,


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哪里有费加罗总代理,费加罗代理商,费加罗代理,FIGARO总代理,FIGARO代理商,FIGARO代理,电子信息化产品结构透露,中国区和香港地区最大的代理商为富利佳电子,到目前为止唯一家总代理,费加罗年销售额上一亿,型号齐全,大量备货,是客户的最佳选择,大客户多多,比亚迪,托邦,美的,科龙,海尔,海信,TCL,格力等,系列信号如下:odel Target gas Typicaldetectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet CDM8S Carbon dioxide 0 - 20,000ppm30mA (Average)Miniature size Precalibrated module Maintenance free Low power consumption For indoor ventilation controlpic CDM30K Carbon dioxide 0 - 5,000ppm40mA (Average)High detection accuracy Precalibrated module Maintenance free For indoor ventilation controlpic CDM4160 Carbon dioxide 400 - 45,000ppm1.3WPrecalibrated module Maintenance free For indoor ventilation controlpic CDM4161A Carbon dioxide 400 - 4,000ppm300mWSmall size Precalibrated module Maintenance free For indoor ventilation controlpic TGS2600 General air contaminants 1 - 30ppm of H2210mWHigh sensitivity to air contaminants For indoor air quality control and automatic control in cooker hoodspic TGS2602 General air contaminants 1 - 30ppm of EtOH280mWHigh sensitivity to VOCs and odorous gases For indoor air quality controlpic TGS2603 General air contaminants 1 - 10ppm of EtOH240mWHigh sensitivity to amine-series and sulfurous odor gases High sensitivity to food odorspic GAS SENSORS Digest catalogue >>Industrial safetyApplication example>> Model Target gas Typical detectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet TGS823 Alcohol Solvent vapors 50 - 10,000ppm660mWCeramic base resistant to severe environments Industrial usagepic TGS2620 Alcohol Solvent vapors 50 - 5,000ppm210mWCompact size For breath alcohol testers and solvent detectorspic TGS826 Ammonia 30 - 300ppm833mWCeramic base resistant to severe environments For leak detection from refrigeratorspic TGS2444 Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide 10 - 100ppm56mWHigh selectivity to ammonia and hydrogen sulfide Low power consumption For ventilation control in agricultural & poultry industriespic TGS5042 Carbon monoxide 0 - 10,000ppmNo power requiredElectrochemical type Battery operable Long lifepic TGS5342 Carbon monoxide 0 - 10,000ppmNo power requiredElectrochemical type Compact size Battery operable Long lifepic TGS832-A00 Halocarbon gas 10 - 1,000ppm835mWFast response For portable halocarbon detectorspic TGS832-F01 Halocarbon gas 1,000 - 10,000ppm835mWHigh selectivity to halocarbon gases For stationary halocarbon detectorspic TGS3830 Halocarbon gas 5 - 100ppm100mWFast response Low power consumption For portable halocarbon detectorspic FCM6812 Hydrogen Methane LP gas 0 - 35%LEL1.0WPrecalibrated module Maintenance free For gas leak detection in fuel cell systemspic TGS821 Hydrogen 30 - 1,000ppm660mWHigh sensitivity and selectivity to hydrogen Ceramic base resistant to severe environments For hydrogen detectorspic TGS6812 Hydrogen Methane LP gas 0 - 100%LEL525mWCatalytic type Wide detection range Linear output For hydrogen and combustible gas leak detectors for fuel cellspic LPM2610-D09 LP gas 500 - 10,000ppm280mWPrecalibrated module with TGS2610 and temperature compensation circuit For residential gas detectorspic TGS2610-D00 LP gas 500 - 10,000ppm280mWHigh selectivity to LP gas Good durability For residential gas alarmspic TGS2610-C00 LP gas 500 - 10,000ppm280mWQuick gas response For leak checkerspic NGM2611-E13 Methane 500 - 10,000ppm280mWPrecalibrated module with TGS2611 and temperature compensation circuit For residential gas detectorspic TGS816 Methane LP gas 500 - 10,000ppm835mWCeramic base resistant to severe environments Industrial usagepic TGS2611-E00 Methane 500 - 10,000ppm280mWHigh selectivity to methane gas Good durability For residential gas alarmspic TGS2611-C00 Methane 500 - 10,000ppm280mWQuick gas response For leak checkerspic TGS3870 Methane & CO 500 - 12,500ppm 50 - 1,000ppm38mWDual gas detection with one sensor For residential gas detectorspic KE-25 Oxygen 0 - 100%No power requiredGalvanic cell type No CO2 influence Long life High accuracypic KE-50 Oxygen 0 - 100%No power requiredGalvanic cell type No CO2 influence Long lifepic SK-25F Oxygen 0 - 30%No power requiredGood linearity No CO2 influence Compactpic KDS-25B Dissolved oxygen 0 - 80mg/LNo power requiredFor water quality control Galvanic cell type No CO2 influence Long lifepic GAS SENSORS Digest catalogue >>Ammonia Model Target gas Typical detectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet TGS826 Ammonia 30 - 300ppm833mWCeramic base resistant to severe environments For leak detection from refrigeratorspic TGS2444 Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide 10 - 100ppm56mWHigh selectivity to ammonia and hydrogen sulfide Low power consumption For ventilation control in agricultural & poultry industries Model Target gas Typicaldetectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet TGS2600 General air contaminants 1 - 30ppm of H2210mWHigh sensitivity to air contaminants For indoor air quality control and automatic control in cooker hoodspic TGS2602 General air contaminants 1 - 30ppm of EtOH280mWHigh sensitivity to VOCs and odorous gases For indoor air quality controlpic TGS2603 General air contaminants 1 - 10ppm of EtOH240mWHigh sensitivity to amine-series and sulfurous odor gases High sensitivity to food odors Model Target gas Typical detectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet TGS2444 Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide 10 - 100ppm56mWHigh selectivity to ammonia and hydrogen sulfide Low power consumption For ventilation control in agricultural & poultry industries Model Target gas Typical detection range Ps Description Photo Data sheet TGS3870 Methane & CO 500 - 12,500ppm 50 - 1,000ppm38mWDual gas detection with one sensor For residential gas detectors Model Target gas Typical detectionrange Ps Description Photo Data sheet KDS-25B Dissolved oxygen 0 - 80mg/LNo power requiredFor water quality control Galvanic cell type No CO2 influence Long life 在今年的高交会上有看到费加罗总代理富利佳参照,站台面积500多平方米,规模极大,是今年展会上参照商最有实力的供应商。朋友有机会去看看。
名称 时间 厂商 型号 起订量 单价
耐高温压力变送器 04-09 顺德区昊胜传感仪器有限公司 PTH 1支 ¥0
塑料熔体压力变送器 04-09 顺德区昊胜传感仪器有限公司 PTH 1支 ¥0
双螺杆挤出机传感器 04-09 顺德区昊胜传感仪器有限公司 PTH 1支 ¥0
单螺杆挤出机传感器 04-09 顺德区昊胜传感仪器有限公司 PTH 1支 ¥0
高温熔体压力传感器 04-09 顺德区昊胜传感仪器有限公司 PTH 1支 ¥0
