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AD9260: 16位高速过采样ADC

当前价格: ¥ 0.00/PCS
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所 在 地: 中国 







AD9260: 16位高速过采样ADC

AD9260是一款16位、高速过采样模数转换器(ADC),在宽带宽上可提供出色的动态范围。它采用先进的CMOS工艺制造,借助兼具Σ-Δ型转换器与流水线转换器技术优势的专有技术,能够以8X过采样率实现高动态范围。AD9260是一款开关电容型ADC,标称满量程输入范围为4V。它提供差分输入,对共模信号的共模抑制为60dB。各差分输入的信号范围为以2.0 V共模电平为中心的+/-1V。

该器件配置片内抽取滤波器,可获得最高性能和灵活性。一系列三级半带FIR滤波器可提供8X抽取滤波,阻带衰减为85 dB,通带纹波为0.004 dB。用户可以通过片上数字多路复用器访问各级抽取滤波器中的数据。片内可编程基准电压源和基准电压缓冲放大器经过配置,可获得最高的精度和灵活性。也可以选用外部基准电压,以满足用户的直流精度与漂移具体要求。AD9260采用+5V单电源供电,典型功耗为550 mW。该器件提供功耗调节电路,以较低的时钟频率和数据速率工作时,功耗可以降至150mW。AD9260采用44引脚MQFP封装,额定温度范围为工业温度范围。

The AD9260 is a 16-bit, high speed oversampled analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that offers exceptional dynamic range over a wide bandwidth. The AD9260 is manufactured on an advanced CMOS process. High dynamic range is achieved with an oversampling ratio of 8X through the use of a proprietary technique which combines the advantages of sigma-delta and pipeline converter technologies.

The AD9260 is a switched-capacitor ADC with a nominal full-scale input range of 4V. It offers a differential input with 60dB of common mode rejection of common mode signals. The signal range of each differential input is +/- 1V centered on a 2.0V common -mode level.

The on-chip decimation filter is configured for maximum performance and flexibility. A series of three half-band FIR filter stages provide 8X decimation filtering with 85 dB of stopband attenuation and 0.004dB of passband ripple. An on-board digital multiplexer allows the user to access data from the various stages of the decimation filter. The on-chip programmable reference and reference buffer amplifier are configured for maximum accuracy and flexibility. An external reference can also be chosen to suit the users specific dc accuracy and drift requirements.The AD9260 operates on a single +5V supply, typically consuming 550mW of power. A power scaling circuit is provided allowing the AD9260 to operate at power consumption levels as low as 150mW at reduced clock and data rates. The AD9260 is available in a 44-pin MQFP package and is specified to operate over the industrial temperature range.

AD9260 特点
  • 8x过采样模式,20 MSPS时钟
  • 输出字速率:2.5 MHz
  • 信号通带:1.01 MHz,通带纹波:0.004 dB
  • 信噪比:88.5 dB
  • 总谐波失真:-96 dB
  • 无杂散动态范围:100 dB
  • 折合到输入端噪声:0.6 LSB
  • 可选过采样率:1x、2x、4x、8x
  • 可选功耗:150 mW至585 mW
  • 可选功耗:150 mW至585 mW
  • +5 V单模拟电源,+5 V/+3 V数字电源
  • 针对ADC并行接口的同步能力
  • 8x Oversampling Mode, 20 MSPS Clock
  • 2.5 MHz Output Word Rate
  • 1.01 MHz Signal Passband w/ 0.004 dB Ripple
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 88.5 dB
  • Total Harmonic Distortion: –96 dB
  • Spurious Free Dynamic Range: 100 dB
  • Input Referred Noise: 0.6 LSB
  • Selectable Oversampling Ratio: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x
  • Selectable Power Dissipation: 150 mW to 585 mW
  • 85 dB Stopband Attenuation
  • Single +5 V Analog Supply, +5 V/+3 V Digital Supply
  • Synchronize Capability for Parallel ADC Interface
AD9260 技术指标
  • Resolution (Bits): 16bit
  • # Chan: 1
  • Sample Rate: 2.5MSPS
  • Interface: Par
  • Analog Input Type: Diff-Uni
  • Ain Range: 4 V p-p
  • ADC Architecture: Sigma-Delta
  • Pkg Type: QFP
AD9260 功能框图

AD9260 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 Pins 报价*
(1000 pcs.)
AD9260-EB 上次购货时间 Evaluation Boards - $ 278.30
AD9260AS Prodn 44 ld MQFP (13.20mm wide) 44 $ 46.44
AD9260ASRL Prodn 44 ld MQFP (13.20mm wide) 44 $ 46.44
AD9260ASZ Prodn 44 ld MQFP (13.20mm wide) 44 $ 44.42
AD9260ASZRL Prodn 44 ld MQFP (13.20mm wide) 44 $ 44.42
AD9260 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD9260 数据手册DataSheet下载. PDF
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 . PDF
名称 时间 厂商 型号 起订量 单价
深圳徽鹏机电贸易有限公司优价销售C 04-14 深圳市徽鹏机电贸易有限公司 齐全 0个 ¥0
芬兰VACON VACON代理 04-14 深圳市徽鹏机电贸易有限公司 齐全 1个 ¥0
深圳徽鹏机电贸易有限公司优价销售D 04-14 深圳市徽鹏机电贸易有限公司 齐全 0个 ¥0
深圳徽鹏机电贸易有限公司优价销售D 04-14 深圳市徽鹏机电贸易有限公司 齐全 0个 ¥0
德国GELBAU开关 04-14 深圳市徽鹏机电贸易有限公司 齐全 1台 ¥面议
