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TI CC2480 ZigBee解决方案
来源:北京精诚亿想科技有限公司   时间:2008-04-30
TI公司的CC2480是高性价比的低功耗Z-Accel ZigBee处理器,能以最低的开发成本提供全部的ZigBee功能。通过SPI/UART接口, CC2480可以和TI的低功耗处理器MSP430一起使用,可广泛应用在ZigBee系统,家庭或建筑物自动化,工业控制和监视,低功耗无线网络,机顶盒以及自动读表等。本文介绍了CC2480的主要性能,方框图以及无线电模块方框图,典型应用电路图和所用的外接元件,CC2480目标板及其电路图。

The CC2480 (formerly known as CCZACC06) is a cost-effective, low power, Z-Accel ZigBee Processor that provides full ZigBee functionality with a minimal development effort.

Z-Accel is a solution where TI’s ZigBee stack, Z-Stack, runs on a ZigBee Processor and the application runs on an external microcontroller. The CC2480 handles all the timing critical and processing intensive ZigBee protocol tasks, and leaves the resources of the application microcontroller free to handle the application.
Z-Accel makes it easy to add ZigBee to new or existing products at the same time as it
provides great flexibility in choice of microcontroller. CC2480 interfaces any microcontroller through an SPI or UART interface. There is no need to learn a new microcontroller or new tools.

CC2480 can for example be combined with an MSP430.
CC2480 supports TI’s SimpleAPI. SimpleAPI has only 10 API calls to learn, which drastically simplifies the development of ZigBee applications.

Simple integration of ZigBee into any design
Running the mature and stable ZigBee 2006 compliant TI Z-Stack
SPI or UART interface to any microcontroller running the application
Simple API and full ZigBee API supported
Can implement any type of ZigBee device:Coordinator, Router or End Device
&#8226; Automatically enters low power mode (<0.5 uA) in idle periods when configured as End
&#8226; Radio
Fully integrated and robust IEEE 802.15.4-compliant 2.4 GHz DSSS RF transceiver
Excellent receiver sensitivity and best in class robustness to interferers
Power Supply
Wide supply voltage range (2.0V – 3.6V)
Low current consumption (RX: 27 mA, TX: 27 mA) and fast transition times.

External System
Very few external components
RoHS compliant 7x7mm QLP48 package
Peripherals and Supporting Functions
Port expander with 4 general I/O pins, two with increased sink/source capability
Battery monitor and temperature sensor
7-12 bits ADC with two channels
Robust power-on-reset and brownout- reset circuitry
Tools and Development
Packet sniffer PC software
Reference designs

ZigBee&#8482; systems
Home/Building automation
Industrial control and monitoring
Low power wireless sensor networks
Set-top boxes and remote controls
Automated Meter Reading

图1.CC2480 框图

图2.CC2480 无线电模块

图3. CC2480应用电路

