EEPW首页 > 商机频道 > 深圳市湾边贸易有限公司 > 最新产品 > 美国P-C II U-V Scanner紫外感应器,原装正品,价格优惠!





地址: 广东 深圳市南山区南山区玉泉路通海苑南栋2单元108房


产品名称:【供应】美国P-C II U-V Scanner紫外感应器,原装正品,价格优惠!
发 货 期:天内发货


P-C II - U-V Scanner, 美国P-C II - Ultra-Violet Scanner, 紫外线扫描器。原装正品,我司直接由美国进口,价格优惠! Protectofier 6642 - Combustion Safeguards FORM 6642VA Basic combustion safeguard model FORM 6642VB Form 6642VBNR - Automatic only and Non-relight. FORM 6642VL Load relay - included for all multi-burner models FORM 6642VT FORM 6642VBL Form 6642VBLNR - Automatic only and Non-relight. FORM 6642VBT Form 6642VBTNR - Automatic only and Non-relight. FORM 6642VLT FORM 6642VBLT Form 6642VBLTNR - Automatic only and Non-relight. FORM 6642FF P-C II - Ultra-Violet Scanner P-C II P-C II W P-C II WRA Form 6642VA Protectofier* Protectal Unified 62021 Form 6642VT Protectofier with plug-in TIMOFIER for purge and ignition trial, Ignitifier I 5909N - motor-driven Multi-Burner igniter control Ignitifier II 6954 - Solid-State Multiple Ignition System Saves on equipment installation time Less space, less wiring, less conduit Maintenance practically eliminated Simple, quality components Ignitifier III 7759 Features Spark Blind Ignitor (single burner) Tele-Fault II 8966 - First-Outage Fault Finder Form 8966 Tele-Fault II First-Outage Fault Finder Protectofier Parts SS100A Flame-Pak Assembly (standard 2-4 sec. flame response) SS108A Flame-Pak Assembly 0.8 sec. flame response U300M/*Timofier (for Forms VT & VLT) U300A/*Timofier (for Forms VBT & VBLT) *SS3CP Transformer w/ Pigtail Adapter SS3CPD Transformer (200/230V dual voltage) Protectofier Test Accessories Protectofier Component Tester (includes SS100A & ACF) U300 Timofier Test Plug P-CII (Ultra-Violet) Scanner & Accessories P-CII U-V Scanner (w/ 3/8" flexible metal conduit connector) P-CII W U-V Scanner (w/ 1/2" straight liquid-tite electrical connector) P-CII WRA U-V Scanner (w/ 1/2" right angle liquid-tite electrical connector) Neoprene Gasket Pressure Seal for P-CII U-V Scanner for Heat Seal Assy. and/or P-CII Remote Reset for Form 6642V(B models) Protectofier Remote Reset for Form 7256(B models) Protectofier VN154T911-UL Off-Run-Ignition Switch Unified Neon light (specify Red or Amber) w/ Retaining Ring Telefier light Socket & Plug w/ 36" Extended Lead RG62AU Flame Sensor Wire Form 8966 Tele-Fault II Form 8966 Tele-Fault II First-Outage Fault Finder Tele-Fault II Mounting Bracket N10.5 Enclosure with 1/4 DIN Cut-out for Tele-Fault II Gasketed Transparent Cover for Tele-Fault II Form 7658 Power Delay Form 7658 Power Delay Module (NEC requires 115V) Form 6642N/15 I-15 Cycle Timofier (15 sec. limited ignition trial timer) Form 7760 Cam Operated Flasher Assembly Form 7761/* Non-Adjustable Purge Timer (*specify timing) 源自:深圳市湾边贸易有限公司 网址: (中文) web : (English) 电话:0755-8621 6601 QQ 1191737095 备注:产品价格与描述不同,具体请来电咨询!
