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Q Q:327405217
Bird 4381 Power Analyst Wattmeter
Ruggedly built, multifunction Model 4381 RF Power Analyst features a digital display, microprocessor-based operation, and simplified, push-button control. Suited to C3, telemetry, two-way communications, avionics and radar, as well as standard radio and television applications.
Frequency: 0.45 to 2700 MHz, select elements from the elements page.
Power: 100 mW to 10 kW with 20% over-range, elemenst are sold separately.
Reads forward and reflected CW or FM power in watts or dBm, Peak Envelope Power or SSB/DSB and symmetrical AM in watts, and peak power for pulses as narrow as 0.8us.
Calculates SWR, return loss in dB and % modulation.
Stores peak and multi readings to facilitate adjustment of maximum and minimum signal levels.
Shock-resistant keyboard and range switches. RFI protection.
Used in like new condition.
The Model 4381 uses a 117VAC wall adapter (included) and the 4381 manual is included. Same specs as the 4391 except the Model 4391 has an internal power supply. Elements are not inlcuded, sold separately