AM MOS管其实是美商亚柏半导体AnalogPower MOS管。AnalogPower 简称AP 商标也是以AP开头,进入大陆市场比较晚,AnalogPower 的MOS管型号都是以AM开头,而富鼎的MOS管型号则是以AP开头,国内很多人一听说AP就以为是富鼎的MOS管都会搞混.
Analog Power was founded in 2002 to focus on power management, and produce the optimum products for its customers. It has offices in the USA (San Jose, California), Hong Kong and Taiwan, with an extensive network of representatives to cover most of the worldwide semiconductor market. By using industry-leading manufacturing partners, Analog Power's products are built to the same standards as the larger, more diverse vendors in the market. Analog Power's employees are customer-driven, with a high percentage of engineers experienced in power semiconductors. Analog Power will continue to expand its product portfolio using its market and application knowledge along with customer feedback.
Analog Power(简称AP)是美国專業生產MOS管的廠商,本公司長期備貨供應此牌子MOS管.我公司是Analog Power 代理商,主要经营AM系列高效能晶體管 MOSFET产品。
安澄科技经销代理IC编程器(烧录器)河洛,为客户IC烧录提供万用型、量产型、专用型烧录器; 安澄科技本着“一切为客户创造价值”的经营宗旨,不断拓展与IC厂家及各类代理的合作,注重产品质量细节。